List of products by manufacturer Sergei Kalevatich

Was born in 1965. He graduated from the Moscow Textile Academy. He is a member of the Russian Artists Union. He takes part in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Private collections in Russia, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Czechia, Mexico have his work

Was born in 1965. He graduated from the Moscow Textile Academy. He is a member of the Russian Artists Union. He takes part in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Private collections in Russia, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Czechia, Mexico have his works.

EDUCATION 1982 - 1984 M.F.A. Moscow State Textile Academy, The Department of Art & Design. Russia. Summa Cum Laude. 1979 - 1982 B.A. Moscow State Textile Academy, The Deparirnent of Art & Design. Russia.

WORK EXPERIENCE 1987 - present Full-time artist. 1995 - present Regular work with gallery "M'Ars", Moscow, Russia (Permanently represented). 1993 Residency in "De Vrije Academie", The Hague, the Netherlands. International program. 1992 - present Regular work with galleries "Jan van Munster" and "Smelik & Stokking", The Hague, the Netherlands. (Permanently represented). 1986 - 1991 Designer. The State Art Foundation, Department of Interior Design, Moscow, Russia. 1984 - 1985 Designer. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Design, Moscow, Russia.


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Sergei Kalevatich

Was born in 1965. He graduated from the Moscow Textile Academy. He is a member of the Russian Artists Union. He takes part in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Private collections in Russia, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Czechia, Mexico have his works.

EDUCATION 1982 - 1984 M.F.A. Moscow State Textile Academy, The Department of Art & Design. Russia. Summa Cum Laude. 1979 - 1982 B.A. Moscow State Textile Academy, The Deparirnent of Art & Design. Russia.

WORK EXPERIENCE 1987 - present Full-time artist. 1995 - present Regular work with gallery "M'Ars", Moscow, Russia (Permanently represented). 1993 Residency in "De Vrije Academie", The Hague, the Netherlands. International program. 1992 - present Regular work with galleries "Jan van Munster" and "Smelik & Stokking", The Hague, the Netherlands. (Permanently represented). 1986 - 1991 Designer. The State Art Foundation, Department of Interior Design, Moscow, Russia. 1984 - 1985 Designer. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Design, Moscow, Russia.

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